Hotakistani commando's have infiltrated the small police station and shops SW of the FOB, they have brought several shoulder fired SAM. They also have a little surprise (a random one of a set). To add to the suspense the players should not look at the secrets "surprise cards" until they are revealed in the scenario!
The UN forces also have a little surprise (a random one of a set)
Here is the draft map. Scenario details to come.
A team of Hotakistani commando’s have infiltrated into the often deserted MANPOL (Malikastan National Police) station upslope of the bridge below FOB Breakbone. The Hotakistani captain dreams of a Chinook in the sites of his half dozen SAM.
Up in the FOB the CIA operative has handed Major D. Zaster a coup. He says he has converted the local Malikan warlord (and previous insurgent) to the UN cause. The CIA spook says that he has asked warlord Ahma Phrenhli to put his malikani where his mouth is and give the UN reason to trust him. He delivers. He says a foreign soldier is hiding in the police station below the FOB and intends to shoot down the incoming supply choppers. Warlord Ahma Phrenhli goes further and volunteers his fighters to help encircle the police station. The CIA spook says this is a one in a million opportunity, he feels this is the turning point of the insurgency, and adds, “Why let our troops die when we can get insurgents to kill insurgents or die trying.”
Length of scenario: 8 turns, at the end of turn 8, roll a D12, if the roll is 8 or higher go onto turn 9, at the end of turn 9 roll a D12, on a 9+ continue and so on until the roll fails. We may need to change this to a 10, 11, 12 turn option. The British may need the time.
Initiative: The UN forces start with initiative, following turn 1 roll as normal. When rolling initiative, if a player rolls more failures than successes the opposing force pulls a Surprise card from their pile of surprise cards.
Surprise cards: The surprise cards represent more extreme versions of Fog of War cards, each side has 10 cards, 5 of which are blanks, and 1 of which is bad for you. Each time your opponent rolls more failures than successes on the initiative roll you draw one of your Surprise cards. The Surprise Cards can be downloaded in PDF form from Google Docs: LINK
UN Objective: 7VP to destroy commandos (reduce fireteams to 1 or less effective) and 8VP to discover and capture/destroy SAM. Before the game starts the insurgent player secretly records the position of the SAM within the commando’s setup area. When the UN forces enter the room containing SAM they automatically discover them.
Insurgent force:
Hotakistani Commandos (Regular, Initiative D8, D10 TQ, D10 Mor.)
1 Leader w/AK (+1 Ldr)
Fireteam 1: 1 w/AK, 1 w/RPK, 1 w/RPG(AP2:AT2(M)), 1 Leader w/AK
Fireteam 2: 1 w/AK, 1 w/RPK, 1 w/RPG(AP2:AT2(M)), 1 Leader w/AK
Due to surprise of the attack at dawn each of the commando fireteams may only move or fire on turn 1.
Starting from Turn 2 roll for Haqiqa insurgent reinforcements (Irregular, Initiative D6, Hotspot 1-4: D6 TQ, D12 Mor. and Hotspot 5-6: D8 TQ, D10 Mor.)
Insurgent Group D6 | Haqiqa Reinforcement |
1 | Placed IED |
2 | D6 w/AK |
3 | D6 w/AK +1 w/Support Weapon |
4 | D6 w/AK + 1 w/Support Weapon + 1 Leader |
5 | 1 w/AK + 2 w/Support Weapon + 0-1 Leader |
6 | 1+D6 w/AK + 1 w/Support Weapon + 0-1 Leader |
The placed IED is placed within 8 inches of the hotspot, if the IED is within 1” of a UN force or Ahma Phrenhli’s insurgents it may attempt to attack. Roll a D6, on a 4 the IED is spotted and no UN force may move within 4” of the IED (unless bomb disposal, the bomb is a dud and will not explode), on a 5+ the IED explodes as a AP:[D6]D8 AT:[D3]D8(M). The IED attacks only one team.
UN force:
British Platoon (18 strong), the leading sergeant may call artillery (mortar battery)
Sniper Team (2 strong)
Starting from Turn 2 roll for warlord Ahma Phrenhli’s pro-UN insurgents (Irregular, Initiative D6, Hotspot 1-4: D6 TQ, D8 MOR, and Hotspot 5-6 D8 TQ, D10 MOR. Units rolling a 5 or 6 also have an automatic leader)
Insurgent Group D6 | Haqiqa Reinforcement |
1 | D6+1 w/AK |
2 | D6+2 w/AK + 1 w/Support Weapon + 0-1 Leader |
3 | D6+2 w/AK + 1 w/Support Weapon + 0-1 Leader |
4 | Ute w/Little Darling 12.7mm |
5 | 73mm RCL with crew of 3 w/AK |
6 | 1 w/PKM + 2 w/AK (weapon team) |
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